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Budget & Treasury

Chief Financial Officer: Mr. Khulani Mthembeni Brian Mzimela

Chief Financial Officer

Khulani Mthembeni Brian Mzimela is the Chief Financial Officer of Harry Gwala District Municipality. He is a financial professional with over 15 years in the field. His knowledge of the ins and outs of finance is vast and he thoroughly enjoy the work. As the CFO with HGDM, he maintain company-wide financial records oversee; audits manage the finance team and communicate financial status reports to key players.

He has a strong grasp of finance procedures as well as the laws and governance surrounding corporate and government finance. He holds Bachelor of Accounting degree, BCom Hons, MBA and other leadership/finance certificates.

He hopes to merge his skills with those of his colleagues to make sure that the services in the entire Harry Gwala District Municipality are delivered in a democratic, accountable, and efficient and effective.

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