Social Services and Development Planning
Executive Director: Ms Ntombifuthi Nomvuselelo Fortunate Buthelezi

Executive Director
Ms Ntombifuthi Nomvuselelo Fortunate Buthelezi has been appointed as the new Executive Director for Social Development and Planning in the Harry Gwala District Municipality commencing in the position as of November 2022.
Buthelezi possess a Masters in urban and regional planning, amongst many qualifications, from the University of Free State. Other notable qualifications that Buthelezi has obtained include:
- Baccalaureus of Spatial Planning Honours from University of Free State.
- Honours BA in Public Administration from the University of South Africa.
- Post Graduate Diploma in Geographic Information Systems from the University of Pretoria.
- National Diploma in Surveying from the then M.L. Sultan Technikon (now Durban University of Technology (DUT)
The new Director has vast experience in government having worked for KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional; Affairs (KZN-COGTA) as the Director Project Implementation and Institutional Support under Municipal LED Support. She was also at the helm of Project Management for the Small Towns Rehabilitation Programme; Corridor Development Programme and Rural LED which was an initiative by Amakhosi. Buthelezi also worked for the uBuhlebezwe Local Municipality as the Director for Social Development.
She has vast experience in LED Institutional Support to District Development Agencies and Municipalities, Development Partnerships and Sector support Programmes; project management in Local Economic Development, Strategic LED Planning and implementation and stakeholder management and Public Participation revolving around Ward Committees, Operation Sukuma Sakhe, Aids Committees. Her tasks as the Director for Social Development in her previous employment also included the overall management of Waste Management, Parks and Verges, Cemeteries; Libraries and Community Service Centres, Community Safety Services such as Traffic Management, Fire and Disaster Services.
She oversaw Special Programmes as well including Youth, Sports Development, Children and Disability.
In 2012 Buthelezi worked at the Emakhazeni Local Municipality as the Deputy Manager LED and IDP also in the same year she worked for the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) as Programme Manager Municipal Finance, Economic Development and Municipal Planning . From February 1997 August 2009 Buthelezi worked in the Department of Land Affairs as a Student Technician to Deputy Director Technical Services in Gauteng, Western Cape and Mpumalanga Surveyor General’s Offices.
Disaster Management
Any reference to the term disaster risk management incorporates the term disaster management as per the NDMF.
Please click on the link below to view more information:
Development and Planning
Click on the pdf below for the comprehensive Planning document of Harry Gwala District Municipality.
Environmental Health
Click on the link below to view the document:
Sport and Recreation
Sport & Recreation Unit is responsible for encouraging the culture of play to the people of Harry Gwala District especially young people because it keeps them away from drugs, alcohol, robbery etc. that may embark on others unaware.
Sport & Recreation Unit in Harry Gwala works hand in hand with the officials that are attached by the Department of Sport and Recreation to Harry Gwala District; Sport Confederation; Federations and the local municipalities of its jurisdiction i.e. Greater Kokstad; UMzimkhulu; UBuhlebezwe; Ingwe and KwaSani.
Harry Gwala District Municipality participates on the following sport codes: athletics; basketball; boxing; dance-sport; football; golf; indigenous games; karate; netball; rugby; swimming; table tennis; tennis; volleyball; rural horse riding known as umtelebhelo.

Integrated Development Plan
Municipalities are guided by various legislations and policies which have been carefully considered whilst compiling this document. Amongst these legislations is the Municipal Systems Act (MSA), (Act no 32 of 2000); the Municipal Finance Management Act of 2003. Chapter 5 of the Municipal Systems Act specifies that each municipal council must, within a prescribed period after the start of its elected term, adopt a single, inclusive and strategic plan for the development of the municipality, which:
Links, integrates and co-ordinates plans and takes into account proposals for the development of the municipality;
Aligns the resources and capacity of the municipality with the implementation of the IDP; Forms the policy framework and general basis on which annual budgets must be based; and Is compatible with national and provincial development plans and planning requirements binding on the municipality in terms of the legislation.
IDP Documents
Click on the pdf below for the comprehensive IDP document of Harry Gwala Municipality and the Local Municipalities:
Draft 2023-2024 IDP MARCH 31
DC43 2022-2027 Draft Integrated Development Plan
Harry Gwala District Municipality IDP Final 20212022
Public Notice - Mid year report
Dc43_harry Gwala District Municipality Mid Term Performance Assessment Report
Final 20202021 SDBIP
Oversight Report 2018-2019 HGDM
2020-2021 HGDM Draft IDP. May
2019-2020 Final IDP
2018-2019 IDP (June)
Draft IDP and Revised SDBIP Notice
2021-2022 Framework and Process Plan Advert
2016-2017 Oversight Report Public Notice
20202021 SDBIP Public Notice
2016-2017 Annual Report Notice
2017-2022 Final Draft HGDM IDP
Oversight Report advert for Harry Gwala Development Agency
IDP Advert
2017/18 Budget
Draft IDP Review 2013/2014 28 March 2013
Umzimkhulu Reviewed IDP 2013/2014
Sisonke IDP Draft 2013/2014 28 March 2013
Adjusted SDBIP 2012/2013
2012/2013 Final 2 SDBIP 25/06/12
Sisonke IDP Final August 2012
Draft 2022-2027 HGDM IDP COGTA 2
2010/2011 Annual Report - Final
Ingwe SDF Review Final Draft 2011
Ingwe IDP Final Draft 2011
Sisonke 2011/2012 Draft IDP
20192020 HGDM Annual Report
Kwasani 2011/2012 IDP
SDM Financial Statements 30 Nov 2012
SDM Annual Report Final V2 Submission
Public Notice - 2016-09-09
IDP and SDBIP Notice
Oversight Report Advert
IDP Road Shows Advert
2013-2014 Final Sisonke District Municipality - IDP
Oversight Report 2022 - 2023
Final 2024 - 2025 I ntergrated Development Plan (IDP) 31 May 2024
Final Adopted HGDM IDP 2016- 17