Harry Gwala District Municipality First Council Meeting (24 January 2024)
Harry Gwala District Municipality First Council meeting for year 2024 was held today (24 January 2024) at the main Municipal Council Chambers, iXopo. In this council meeting A report back from the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) was delivered and it was announced that the municipality received an Unqualified Audit Report. Which was explained as an improvement from the previous report which was a qualified Audit report.
The unqualified audit is a significant improvement for the Municipality based on prior years, and after receiving a qualified audit opinion in the previous financial year.
The Deputy Mayor Cllr. T.N Jojozi, welcomed the report and credited the good result to the administration for going an extra mile to ensure that the funds allocated to the municipality are spent in a manner that responds to service delivery and accountability.
“As the Harry Gwala District Council, we welcome the report, we note that there has been an improvement and a need to improve, we should do so,” said Deputy Mayor Jojozi.
The above sentiments were shared by Cllr. N.W Dladla who said it also a relief that the council is recommend in playing an oversight and not interfering as it was stated in the previous report by AGSA. She also welcomed the report and committed into making sure they improve from this report.
The opinion from the AGSA is an important indication of where the municipality can improve and ultimately achieve a clean audit.
This audit report means there has been an improvement in the handling of the municipal finances including transparency, record-keeping, and compliance with regulations.
The council vows that the municipality will continue to strive for better management of public funds.