Disaster Management Preparedness
The Harry Gwala District Municipality Disaster Management Centre partnered with Ubuhlebezwe fire and rescue , SAPS, Christ The King Hospital and EMS held an emergency services drill today 27 November 2024 at the R56 and R612 road intersections in Ixopo.
This drill was aimed at testing the response times to prepare for a possible emergency and to ensure that everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency.
People can respond more swiftly and efficiently to a disaster by practising their actions, potentially saving lives and minimizing damage.
The holidays are right around the corner, and while the end of the year is always a great time to catch up with family and friends, it’s important to remain vigilant while using the roads at this busy time.
Safety measures for the public and other road users when there is an accident:
1. Report to the authorities (traffic or SAPS or Fire and Rescue) if there are no emergency services on scene.
2. Do not stop to take pictures. (You will cause another accident)
3. Carefully drive / walk past.
4. Do not interfere with the emergency services at work on scene. (They need to focus)
5. Follow the instructions of the traffic officer directing you.
6. Be patient and focus on driving past safely when instructing to do so.
#DoNotDrinkandDrive #SaveLives #Speedkills #YouOnlyLiveOnce