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Public Notices

Do not pay for Jobs

Beware! Harry Gwala District Municipality's jobs are not for sale, therefore do not pay for any jobs!

Notice of All Council Meetings 2024

I, Mr Gamakulu Ma-Art Sineke, the Municipal Manager of Harry Gwala District Municipality, hereby give notice in terms of Section 19(a) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), that all Council meetings of Harry Gwala District Municipality have been scheduled according to the attached approved schedule for the calendar year 2024. All Council meetings will be held in the Harry Gwala District Municipality’s Council Chamber at 10h00 unless otherwise communicated. Enquiries should be directed to: Mrs. T.T. Thiyane-Magaqa, at Harry Gwala District Municipality by using the following telephone numbers: (039) 834 8700/8705 during office hours.

Statement on Ibisi Sewer Project by the Harry Gwala District Municipality

The Harry Gwala District Municipality would like to publicly refute the unfounded wild allegations regarding threats involving the R36 million sewer project.Recent media reports regarding the project suggest that some community members were complaining and promising to block the project due to some challenges.Recent media reports regarding the project suggest that some community members were complaining and promising to block the project due to some challenges.The District has had many engagements with the community and none of those issues mentioned in the news media reports were found to be challenging. What we can report on is that some of the safety concerns, and damage to property where fences were removed are being resolved. Imvusa Trading which is contracted by the Municipality to provide the services is working together with the community in the area. The allegations that the contractor is chopping down trees, digging up people's fences and not repairing them and not cordoning off deep holes are not true. From what the Municipality has gathered, there are internal squabbles not related to this project, now some few people are trying to use the project to fight their own petty squabbles. The contractor is aware of the reinstatement that must be done. The contractor has outsourced this to a local sub-contractor who was appointed last week and has since commenced with the work. There was a Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting last week Monday and these issues that were misrepresented in the media were never raised during the recent PSC meeting. At a Progress Meeting held this past Thursday, 24 August 2023, the only issue raised by the Community Liaison Officer (CLO) was that some households requested new fence poles during reinstatement. The contractor is attending to this.

Invitation to Register on the Indigent Database of the Harry Gwala District Municipality

The Harry Gwala District Municipality approved Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy and related By-Laws require that the municipality develops and maintains an indigent register aimed at ensuring that qualifying indigent households have access to free basic water services in line with the Government's Free Basic Water Service Policy.The following applicants may be considered as an indigent if they meet the following requirements: 1. The applicant must be a resident within Harry Gwala District Municipality. 2. The applicant must be eighteen (18) years old of age and above except in the case of child headed households. 3. The total household joint gross income of all occupants or dependents in a single household must be less than two (2) state pension grant income. 4. The applicant must be the owner or tenant who receives municipal services and is registered as an account holder on the Harry Gwala District Municipal financial system. 5. The applicant must provide documentary proof of income, not older than one month, such as UIF card, SASSA slip, bank statement, letter from employer and affidavit. 6. Child headed households are regarded as indigent. 7. Forms can be obtained from Harry Gwala DM offices at Kokstad, Ixopo and Umzimkulu and registration can be made at the same offices. 8. Please attach certified copies of ID, Proof of Income, and details of occupants of the household.

Final Harry Gwala District Municipality and Harry Gwala Development Agency 2022-2023 Serv…

Notice is hereby given that, in terms of Section 53(1)(c)(ii) of the Municipal Finance Management Act, (No. 56 of 2003), that the Mayor of Harry Gwala District Municipality has approved and endorsed the 2022/2023 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP)/Organizational Scorecard. In line with the legislation, the SDBIP has been approved by the Mayor within 28 days after the approval of the 2022/2023 Annual Budget that was tabled at a Council Meeting held on 27 May 2022.Subsequently, in line with Regulation 11 of the local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations 2001, the Key Performance Indicators and targets of the Harry Gwala District Municipality as well as the Harry Gwala Development Agency were reviewed. The Municipality hereby publicize the 2022/2023 Key Performance Indicators and Targets in line with Section 44 of the Municipal Systems Act, (No. 32 of 2000).Subsequently, in line with Regulation 11 of the local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations 2001, the Key Performance Indicators and targets of the Harry Gwala District Municipality as well as the Harry Gwala Development Agency were reviewed. The Municipality hereby publicize the 2022/2023 Key Performance Indicators and Targets in line with Section 44 of the Municipal Systems Act, (No. 32 of 2000).Section 54A and 56 Managers' Performance Agreements have also been prepared in line with Section 57(2)(a) of the Municipal Systems Act, (No. 32 of 2000) and Regulation 4(4)(a) of the Municipal Performance Regulations for Municipal Managers and Managers directly accountable to the Municipal Manager, which states that they must sign their Performance Agreements within one month after the beginning of the financial year.These documents are available on the municipal website ( regarding this notice may be directed to: The Office of the Municipal Manager, for the attention of the Senior Manager: IDP/PMS: Mr. Z Mtolo, on tel: (039) 834 8700.

"Harry Gwala District Municipality Firmly Commits Itself to Zero Tolerance to Fraud and C…

Please be advised that advertised jobs and tenders are not for sale!Selling of jobs and tenders constitutes a dismissable offence.Should anyone promise you a job or tender in return for money or ask for money to be deposited into an account in exchange for promised jobs of tenders through internal connections, please report all fraudulent incidents to the Risk Management Unit on 039 834 5502 for attention of Miss Zama Lugongolo, Senior Manager: Risk Management or the National Anti- Corruption hotline on 0800 701 701.

Women's Month Message from the Mayor, Cllr Zamo Nxumalo

This year National Women's Day and Women's Month will be celebrated under the theme: "Women's Socio-Economic Rights and Empowerment: Building Back Better for Women's Improved Resilience."On behalf of the Harry Gwala District Municipality, I wish to pay homage to all women for their contribution to the liberation of South Africa.On behalf of the Harry Gwala District Municipality, I wish to pay homage to all women for their contribution to the liberation of South Africa.To you all, allow me to wish you a Happy Women's Month!

Violence Against Women: It has to stop here! Enough is enough!

The community of Creighton in Harry Gwala District is in shock after the news of a double murder of two grade 12 pupils from Ginyane High School. Minenhle Buthelezi and Amanda Zulu who are both 18 years were staying in a rented house in order to be closer to school and it is alleged that the suspect killed both girls using an axe. The 20-year old male suspect is in police custody and is expected to appear at DonnyBrook Court on Thursday the 11th of August 2022.The Women's Commission in Harry Gwala Municipality condemns such brutality especially during Women's Month and calls for the law enforcement to play their role. The Harry Gwala District Municipality conveys their heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.The Women's Commission in Harry Gwala Municipality condemns such brutality especially during Women's Month and calls for the law enforcement to play their role. The Harry Gwala District Municipality conveys their heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.Noluthando Mathu the Chief Whip of Harry Gwala District and Women's Commissioner has called for unity amongst women during this time of tragedy. "There seems to be a trend of women being killed in the hands of men, we just have finished the men's month and had programs addressed to men to take care and protect female counterparts. Now when we begin the women's month with the killing of young girls who are the future of this country. It shows how oppressed women are in this society. I call on all civil society groups and women to come out in their numbers to support the bereaved families when the suspect appears in court on Thursday."The municipality will make sure that the family gets assistance from social services department to deal with the trauma and other assistance during this difficult time.

Review of the Harry Gwala District Municipality Spatial Development Framework

THE DRAFT SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK DOCUMENT IS OPEN FOR PUBLIC COMMENT.Public comment or inputs are requested on the Draft Spatial Development Framework Document. Copies of the Draft Spatial Development Framework can be accessed as identified below.Public comment or inputs are requested on the Draft Spatial Development Framework Document. Copies of the Draft Spatial Development Framework can be accessed as identified below.CONTACT PERSON - LUCK ZONDI 039 834 8700 ext. 8789 The hard copy of the document is available at: 40 Main Street, Ixopo, 3276 (As well as at all Local Municipal Offices and Libraries)Soft copy of the document is available at:

Prepaid Water Meter Keypad (UIU) Functions

How to load Voucher/Token 1. Turn On the Keypad using the arrow key 2. Wait for the Keypad to reflect time 3. Enter the voucher/token pin and press the # key once.How to Check Voucher/Token Balance 1. Turn On the Keypad using the arrow key 2. Wait for the Keypad to reflect time 3. Press the # key twice and wait for the keypad to scan the meter.How to Check Voucher/Token Balance 1. Turn On the Keypad using the arrow key 2. Wait for the Keypad to reflect time 3. Press the # key twice and wait for the keypad to scan the meter.ERROR CODE GIVEN BY THE KEYPAD (UIU) Error 017: The error code means the voucher/token being loaded is not compatible with the meter where it is loaded - Re-enter the purchased voucher/token receipt. If the two options fail, contact the HGDM call center. Error 004: The error code means the voucher /token being loaded has already been loaded *Note that the customer has to be near the meter for the keypad to connect with the meter -+ 20mPhysical Address: 40 Main Street, Ixopo, 3276 Tel: (039) 834 8700 Fax: (039) 834 1701Postal Address: Private Bag X501, Ixopo, 3276 Customer care number: 0860 103 651

UIF To Process & Pay Claims of Former Teaching Assistants

The UIF in KwaZulu-Natal will process and pay the claims of former Teaching & General Assistants who where employed under Harry GWala District. Details are as follows:Date: 20 February 2023 Venue: Underberg Hall, Woodford Road, Underberg Time: 08:00 - 16:00Date: 20 February 2023 Venue: Underberg Hall, Woodford Road, Underberg Time: 08:00 - 16:00Date: 21 February 2023 Venue: Nonkqubela Primary School, Bhogweni location, Kokstad Time: 08:00 - 16:00Date: 22 -23 February 2023 Venue: Vukelani Special School, Clydesdale, Umzimkhulu Time: 08:00 - 16:00Date: 24 February 2023 Venue: Little Flower Combined School, Peter Hauff Drive, Ixopo Time: 08:00 - 16:00NB: Only clients who were employed under Hary Gwala District will be assisted since their data is captured. Dates for other districts will be announced in due course.Clients must bring along the following: 1. ID or valid Passport document 2. Fully charged Smartphone with data. 3. Valid banking details. 4. Black pen.

"Make everyday a Mandela Day"

Message by His worship the Mayor of the Harry Gwala District Municipality, Cllr ZD NxumaloToday, 18 July Mandela Day. This day is celebrated annually across the entire world to honour the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. This day is a call to action to all of us along with the communities we serve to take time to reflect on Mandela's values and principles and to make a positive impact in their own communities.Today, 18 July Mandela Day. This day is celebrated annually across the entire world to honour the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. This day is a call to action to all of us along with the communities we serve to take time to reflect on Mandela's values and principles and to make a positive impact in their own communities.On behalf of the Harry Gwala District Municipality, I wish to encourage all residents, businesses and stakeholders to utilize this day by undertaking impactful programmes across the District in honour of the first democratically elected President, Nelson Mandela on his birthday.The iconic world statesman once said:

DTIC Invitation

The Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition (the DTIC) Ms Nomalungelo Gina in partnership with the Mayor of Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality Cllr: E B Ngubo and the Mayor of Harry Gwala District Cllr: Z D Nxumalo will be hosting a business seminar on 11 July 2023.The business seminar will take place as follows:The business seminar will take place as follows:

Open Council Meeting

I, Mr Gamakulu Ma-Art Sineke, the Municipal Manager of Harry Gwala District Municipality, hereby give notice in terms of Section 19(a) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), that the Open Council Meeting of Harry Gwala District Municipality for the calendar year, will be held on the 30th May 2023 at 10H00. The meeting will be held at the Youth Centre, Bhongweni, Kokstad.Enquiries should be directed to: Mrs T.T. Thiyane-Magaqa, at Harry Gwala District Municipality by using the following telephone numbers: (039) 834 8700/8706 during office hours.

Freedom Day Message

by His Worship the Mayor of the Harry Gwala District Municipality, Cllr ZD NxumaloThe 27 of April 2023 marks exactly 29 years since the birth of our beloved country as the date is the anniversary of the first democratic elections held in South Africa. This day is important for all of us to observe as it is the day for us to commemorate and honour our heroes and heroines who fought for the liberation of our country which heralded many firsts for the majority of the people of this country. These included, but are not limited to, equality in many fronts, such as equality before the law, opportunities, and representation.The 27 of April 2023 marks exactly 29 years since the birth of our beloved country as the date is the anniversary of the first democratic elections held in South Africa. This day is important for all of us to observe as it is the day for us to commemorate and honour our heroes and heroines who fought for the liberation of our country which heralded many firsts for the majority of the people of this country. These included, but are not limited to, equality in many fronts, such as equality before the law, opportunities, and representation.As we reflect on the journey our country has traversed since 27 April 1994, I cannot but fully agree with the painful conclusion that our minds, bodies and souls still replicate the traumas and scars which remind us constantly that our liberation came at huge price and indeed for the tens of thousands of our heroes and heroines who were jailed, tortured and killed, the freedom we enjoy today is a testament to this.On April 27, 1995, during the first anniversary of the democratic elections, our former President, Nelson Mandela said: "as dawn ushered in this day, few of us could suppress the welling of emotion as we were reminded of the terrible past from which we come as a nation; the great possibilities that we now have... The birth of our South African nation has, like any other, passed through a long and often painful process... The national day also honours the masses of South Africans who resisted and suffered under apartheid, and faced death, injury and repression from the security forces. Many others battled forced removals, discrimination, and other injustices..."With the celebrations of the 29-year anniversary milestone, our citizens should reflect on the gains made and opportunities created while examining the insurmountable possibilities that exist in wait for our nation.Happy Freedom Day to ALL.

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